The ZAO Strength Powerlifting Program

Welcome to the ZAO Strength Bottom-Up Powerlifting Program!

This program was designed to help beginner, and intermediate powerlifters learn how to make effective training adjustments to reach their goals.

Effectively, “bottom-up training” means that your training is developed based on your current skill, experience level, training preferences, and limitations. Then, as you train, you will discover what you respond best to, and the program will develop based on that response.

By starting at the bottom and working up, you can better understand what works and doesn’t work for your training and make more informed decisions about how to progress.

At the end of each training block, you will analyze your training data and use what we gather to make the necessary adjustments to further progress for each block.

With the ZAO Strength Bottom-Up Powerlifting program, you’ll get everything you need to take your powerlifting training to the next level and start seeing real progress. If you have any questions about the program, feel free to email us at